Saturday, September 23, 2017


Jamilla - You sexy lady

Jamilla Jo - You sexy lady
Ambassador of peace
She'll listen to what you have to say
Just don't get in her face

She won't tolerate your misogyny
She won't tolerate your racist pleas
She won't bow down she'll make it clear
Lend an ear but won't live in fear

Jamilla Jo - she's not your average ho
Let the music flow
From my fingers - from my voice
Jamilla Jo will give you a choice


Shut up and listen - it's time
Before it's all over - before we all die
Stop teaching your children to hate
Stop taking the media's bait

We have the right to speak our mind
Until the moment that people die
Jamilla Jo - you sexy lady
Ambassador of peace

She'll listen to what you have to say
Jamilla Jo - she's not just your average ho
Let the music flow
From my fingers - from my voice
Jamilla Jo will give you a choice


Jamilla Jo like a move me
Sexy ladies like a move me
Jamilla Jo like a move me
Sexy girls like a move me
Jamilla Jo - please be our ambassador of peace
Jamilla Jo - not just your average ho


Jamilla Jo gonna pop a cap in your ass
If ya'll don't start acting like you've got
Some fucking class
Jamilla Jo - you sexy lady - like a move me

Let the music flow


From the Jonsona album - Jamilla Jo
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm

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